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Tips for Student  Success 



Top 10: Academic Success Tips 


  1. Everyone everywhere has 24 hours in a day.  What we do within this time is what sets us apart from each other

  2. Dream!  Then take the necessary steps to bring it to Reality

  3. Eliminate the word “Try”.  There is no such thing.  Either you Can or you Can’t!

  4. The best Investment is yourself

  5. Be aware of your values and passion.  You’ll find your career there.

  6. You only fail when you don’t learn from your mistakes

  7. Replace Facebook with LinkedIn

  8. Distractions are your worst enemy

  9. Worry and Stress are both a Waste of Time

  10. Live in your Future Today

Top 10: Successful Time Management 

  1. Create an Academic, Personal, and Professional to-do list Everyday

  2. Procrastination is a deadly trait

  3. The first step to time management is organization

  4. Recognize the things that distract you and eliminate them

  5. Decrease access to communications when working (email, phone, fb, etc.)

  6. Be aware of the resources needed to help accomplish your objectives

  7. Learn how to prioritize based on importance

  8. Do it right the first time so you don’t have to redo it

  9. You can never fall behind if you stay ahead

  10. Make time to reflect and dream

Top 10: Tips for College Preparation


  1. Go on as many college tours as you can

  2. Take both the ACT and the SAT

  3. Apply to colleges for preference and safety

  4. Match colleges that fit your academic profiles and career plans

  5. Learn about Financial Aid and scholarships before high school

  6. Explore career options that overlap with your passion

  7. Be aware of college admissions and scholarship deadlines

  8. Begin your search by identifying your various personal and academic goals.

  9. Talk to Current College students and recent graduates 

  10. Be aware of the college admission tests and GPA requirements before entering High School

Top 10: Reasons to Continue Education 


  1. Higher Level of Income

  2. Higher Quality Lifestyle

  3. More Secure Future

  4. Increased Access to Professional & Social Networking

  5. Increase Opportunity for Happiness

  6. Quicker Career Advancement

  7. Developing a Expertise in your Career Field

  8. Increase Intellectual Power

  9. Increased Ability to Purchase your Desires

  10. Increased personal and professional mobility 

Parental Involvement


One of the best ways to ensure the success of your child is to get involved in their education. Learning often times begins in the home and ends in the classroom. Both home and the classroom must better align with the goals, aspirations, and needs of the student. Students excel when they have access to nurturing atmospheres, caring adults, and holistic resources.


1. Don’t be a Superhero

  • Be honest with your child. Tell them what worked and what didn’t work based on your experience.

  • Tell them what you would do differently about your life.


2. Learning starts in the home

  • The home should be a learning center that reinforces the academic framework of school

  • If your child can memorize rap songs, they should be able to memorize the periodic table


3. Be Supportive

  • Do not compete or be intimidated by your child’s academic success and opportunities


4. Be a Positive Example

  • Teach your child to value their education by valuing your own education

  • Go back to school if necessary and complete a postsecondary education with your child

  • Share your educational experiences with your child to better prepare them to succeed


5. Don’t make excuses for your child

  • Enforce high standards of academic achievement

  • The world will not excuse your child, so why would you?


6. Attend Parent Teacher Conference

  • Meet your child’s teachers and other parents and discuss your concerns and supports


7. Let your student know school is their job

  • Be on time, do your best, and you will be rewarded


8. Learn how the school system works and how to advocate for all children

  • Be proactive! Being Reactive is to late

  • Complaining on Facebook and Twitter is not advocacy! It’s just continuing the cycle of improper communication among urban communities.


9. If you are ever surprised about your child’s report card, You were not paying attention

  • Monitor your child’s grade by requesting progress reports in between report cards

  • Learn what your child’s academic strengths and weakness are and take advantage of resources to enhance their academic profile





Ways to Advocate for Education



  • Support leadership that cares about the holistic well-being of our Youth

  • You cannot feed the mind if the stomach is empty



  • Be a problem solver, not a problem maker

  • Talking about the problem is the problem. Let’s talk about Solutions.



  • Inspire your students to value education

  • Education and Knowledge is the only thing that can be pass down that won’t decay



  • You (the parent) are equally as responsible for your child’s education as their teachers

  • We all must be Educators… Teachers are just one piece of the puzzle



  • Share resources that empower our Youth

  • Print, Post, and Pass on information that creates access to opportunity



  • Get the facts.

  • Educate yourself about the education system and current issues



  • Help teach our young people how to advocate for themselves

  • The Voice of Young People can change a Nation

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