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Community Development
We are a proud leader, supporter, and advocate for inspiring a college going and college completion culture among all students.
Jordan & The City of Detroit, supporting the educational accomplishments of Metro Detroit students. | Panelist: Detroit College Access Lunch & Learn | Facilitator: College Prep 101: Pontiac Academy for Excellence- | Guest Lecturer: Western Michigan University- The Badge to Kill: A Tax-Funded Execution of Black America |
Facilitator: The Youth Connection- College Success 101 | Facilitator: PHGBC- Financial Literacy 101 | Workshop Speaker: Detroit FAFSA Campaign- Identifying effective strategies for the completion of Financial Aid forms | Workshop Facilitator: Resumes 101: Summer Internship Training 2015 |
Event Coordinator: Detroit Deep Dive- Lunch & Learn | Conference Speaker-University of Toledo- Breaking the School-to-Prison Pipeline | Youth Service Speaker: Developing Talent & Providing Service | Success Speaker: General Motors 2020 Summer Internship |
Presenter: UM-Dearborn- The State of Detroit Education | Facilitator: Money Management 101- @ ThePHGBC | Guest Lecturer: Western Michigan University- "The Education Genocide" | Event Coordinator: Back to School Fair |
Deputy Mayor supporting college enrollment in Detroit | Presenter: Detroit Education Lunch & Learn- Developing effective strategies for parent engagement | Speaker at Education and Financial Literacy Summit | UM College Tour with Highland Park |
Guest Lecturer: Western Michigan University: Urban Poverty & Education | Event Coordinator: Harvest Night- community celebration of the harvest season. | Speaker: at UM- GEAR UP Program | Supporting Outdoor Careers with The Youth Connection |
Supporter of Detroit FAFSA Completion Campaign | College Success Speaker at the PHGBC Graduation Ceremony | Lewis Walker Institute of Western Michigan University on Criminal Justice policy reform. | Workshop Facilitator: Prescription to Student Success |
Facilitator: Work Readiness Training for 120 DNR summer interns. | Support of Focus HOPE townhall meeting | Providing Education and Financial Resources to Metro Detroit students at Money Smart. | Supporting Detroit College Signing Day |
Planning Committee Member for UM- Education Inclusion conferene | Supporter of College Goal Sunday | Moderator for PBS Film Screening "Los Graduates" | |
Detroit FAFSA Completion Campaign 2013 | Henry Ford College Tour | UM- Dearborn College Tour |
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Inspiring & Empowering Young People
P.A. provided the work readiness training for this summer project.
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